Early Career Educators Conference

The MTA Early Career Educators Conference is open to educators who are in their first five years of practice. Whether it’s handling classroom management or addressing the wide range of individual student needs in their classrooms, this conference has something for every novice educator. The one-day conference, brought to you by MTA’s New Member Committee, will also offer 23 different workshops on topics such as:

  • Classroom Management
  • Special Education
  • English Language Learners
  • Technology in the Classroom

…and more!

No charge for MTA or SEAM Members. Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Register Online Now

Professional Teaching Status Training:

How to get PTS (Professional Teaching Status) and what are your rights BEFORE you have it? A well received training from the MTA new teacher coordinator, on your rights as a teacher with and without Professional Teacher Status. November 13 from 2:30-3:00pm RMA Lecture Hall (140 American Legion Highway)Food and Refreshments will be provided.

Firing back at the Mac attack

MTA members and other public-sector union members have been receiving notices from the Mackinac Center urging them to drop their union membership in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision. The photo above shows how one MTA member handled this invasion of privacy.


Anyone receiving these Mac attacks that include a prepaid mailer back to the MTA should feel free to send back the shredded message and write #StickingWithMyUnion on the envelope.

The Mackinac Center is a right-wing propaganda machine based in Michigan and was a big backer of the Janus case.

If members of your local are receiving notices other than the paid envelopes addressed to the MTA, you can still send a message to Mackinac. Organize a “shredding party.” Get members together and shred, rip and mark up the letters urging you to quit your union. Post pictures and videos on social media using the hashtag #StickingWithMyUnion. Then attack the Mac with its own trash, sending the shreds back to The Mackinac Center, P.O. Box 568, Midland, MI 48640.

Time your social media posts to appear between Sept. 15 — the date of the MTA’s All Presidents’ Meeting — and Sept. 24, a date that members should hold for an action in Boston to protest Mackinac and its locally based partners in privatizing and union-busting. Stay tuned for more details.