Red Sox Vs. Texas Rangers

Wednesday, June 12 at 7:10  

$31 Bleacher Seats

Discounted Red Sox tickets are being offered to the teachers association and their friends and family.  

  • You can send a check, or cash to Liz Adamo at the Paul Revere School.  
  • All payments must be put in an envelope labeled with your name and school name.  
  • If you would like to purchase more than one ticket, you must write how many tickets on the envelope.

*Make checks payable to Revere Teachers Association*

Deadline is Thursday, April 11th  

March on the State House –

Fund the Future Bill & Promise Act

March on the State House May 16th

Just as the Patriots would never rest on their laurels after a touchdown, neither can we sit back after having a great week. Our opponents are powerful.
The governor is backing a plan that provides only one-third as much state education aid to public schools as the Promise Act – and his budget does not include a long-term funding plan for public higher education. House leaders also have not committed to supporting the Fund Our Future bills. Now is the time to push hard. Check out this calendar of upcoming events and make plans to attend a march on the State House on May 16.
MTA will be providing buses.

Stand for Children

NEXT RTA Executive Board Meeting – MONDAY April 8th at 3:30pm in the RHS East Wing

It is time to spread the word. at our NEXT RTA board meeting, on Monday April 8th, we will be holding a forum with the superintendent of schools about our concerns for student and family privacy & the good name of Revere educators and the district being appropriated by Stand for Children
a pro-privatization advocacy group which has made inroads at Revere schools this year. We need teachers to turn out & support each other as we speak out against Stand’s agenda and the access they’ve been given to our schools.