2020 Professional Learning and Networking (PLAN) Conference on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at Waltham High School. PLAN is a FREE event designed for MTA members to gather and learn how to improve their current practice and discuss related issues affecting their classrooms and schools. This year’s conference workshops will focus on topics related to English Learners and Special Education. Participants will be able to choose from a wide variety of 2-hour workshops over three sessions, earning up to 6 hours towards PDPs in these content areas.
*A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
**Onsite childcare will be available on a limited basis. The childcare reservation deadline is this Friday, February 28, 2020. There will be NO ONSITE childcare signups the day of the conference.
Workshops will include:
- Autism and Social Communication Disorder
- Developing a Real Understanding of Trauma, Anxiety, Spectrum Disorders and ADHD
- Encouraging Math Discussion for ELLs and Special Education Students
- Instant Universal Design for Learning – Free Assistive Tech to Meet Student Needs
- Racial Justice in Classroom, Curricula and Beyond: Islamophobia and Muslim Students
- Sensitivity During Troubled Times: Using Books About Crossing the Border
- Striving for an Equitable Curriculum: Breaking Down Bias
- Supporting Undocumented Students in Our Schools
- …and more!
For the complete list of workshops, please click here.