Winter/Spring PDP Workshops on English Language Learners and Special Education
Being offered in Springfield, Holden and Quincy.
Participants of these free workshops will earn 15 PDPs in the appropriate category for each workshop.
- Teaching and Reaching ELLs Through Picture Books for All Educators – February 20 & 21, Springfield
- Creating Success with English Learner Students – March 2 & 16, Holden
- Weaving SEL into Your Classroom to Make a Big Difference for Special Needs Students – March 2 & 16, Holden
- The Differentiated Classroom – April 16 and 17, Springfield
- Supporting Students with Special Needs in Your Classroom – April 17 & 18, Quincy
- Closing Academic Achievement Gaps through Language Opportunity – April 18 & 19, Quincy
Registration for these workshops will open on Monday, January 28, 2019, at 4PM.
For more detailed information and to register, visit http://www.cvent.com/d/w6q787