New Contract Ratified!

Both the RTA and the Revere School Committee voted to adopt the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) settled in November 2024. We are now in the process of integrating the MoA’s changes into the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA or “contract”), to create a document which will continue in force until June 30, 2028.

Until the process of integrating the changes is complete, the changes from the MoA are in effect, along with all unchanged parts of the expired CBA. Please consult both the contract and the MoA when trying to determine contractual rights and responsibilities.

The City of Revere will begin implementing the pay raises from the MoA in early 2025, including making retroactive payments for the first 20+ weeks of the school year. This includes the Cost of Living increase of 3.75% for all members, $500 longevity increase for those with at least 10 years in the bargaining unit, and the move from Step 0 to Step 1 for first year teachers (since Step 0 is now eliminated).

All members should consult the salary tables in the MoA to confirm accurate pay once these changes go into effect.

Tentative Agreement on New Contract!

Look for information about the ratification vote and info sessions on social media, here, signal, and in your buildings.

Memorandum of Agreement

Check with RCAT members for Info Slideshow from 11-20 general meeting

PEC Agreement Adopted

The final count for RTA’s ratification vote for the 9 year PEC agreement was 262 votes in favor, and 0 against.
Most other unions in the city already voted adoption, and with the size of RTA, this means the agreement will be going into force.
The MOA is available in the Documents section of this website for those who wish to reference the timeline of various changes. Please reach out to an officer or building rep if you have any further questions.